Saturday, July 26, 2008

Stepbrothers - fantastic - teeny boppers - not so much

So, I went out with the BGF (best gay friend) last night and we went to see, "Stepbrothers" with Will Ferrel. Now, let me just say I was very wary of this film because Blades of Glory left me slightly disappointed. I thought this movie might disappoint me. However, it was GREAT. I cannot remember the last time I have laughed so hard in a movie, well actually, I can, "Knocked Up." I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. I won't go into details because I don't want to screw up any one's enjoyment of the film, but let me just say that I am bringing back the term "horseshit."

Also, I had to be a bitch at the movie theater. Last time I was there I had to because this group of 13 year olds was being loud and obnoxious and screaming and making all sorts of noise during my cinematic adventure. So, this time a group of frat boys comes barrelling past me acting a fool. I decide to leave it alone, but then this asswipe comes right behind me and starts scream "Stepbrother's WOOOO" and I was like...okay- that's my ear, but I let it go. Then he did it again, so I very calmly turned around, looked him dead in the eye and said, "If you yell in my ear again we are going to have serious issues." He just looked scared and said, "Sorry ma'am" I was probably the same age as this joker, if not younger and he called me ma'am. HA. THEN as we were leaving a little snippet at the end came up on the screen (you know after the credits they sometimes show a little sideline of the movie that gets wrapped up?) well, this bitchy high school girl was still sitting and she goes, "Excuse us, you like...just in the way you know." So, I turned around and said, "The movie is over if you want to see around me get up and move." and then just out of spite (had she asked me to move nicely, there would have been no issue) I cocked my big hips out and put my hand on them and watched the whole thing. I hate little teeny boppers. I mean, she didn't say anything after I told her to just move, and that is why I hate them. Had someone said that to me I would have gotten up and just cold-cocked them, but these little teeny boppers are just all talk. Can't back up a thing. Ugh - ANYWAY - the movie was GREAT. You should go see it.


Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Oh I was hoping this would be good - woot!

word verification: whxelh