Thursday, September 11, 2008

long over due update

Sorry, I know it is time for an update. I have been really busy lately. I found out the kitty has cat aids. FIV. I am very upset. I cried for days. I am even more fed up with men and the idea of marriage than I was at February of this year. I hate my job more than anything in this whole world, and because of that I am starting to hate my life. I think it is going to get better though because soon the winter season will be upon us and I look really great in snow bunny attire. My birthday party went fabulously, if you want pictures let me know and I will email them to you. Also, I am posting below a blog from le myspace:


I have found myself asking that question at least 7 times today.
"Are you serious?"
People are so full of themselves on so many levels. It sickens me whenever people moan and groan about the petty little things they have going on in their lives.
You had a fight with your boyfriend? So, what. Shit happens and unless you are married, it isn't that serious in the first place. Secondly, anyone my age has no business being that serious with someone anyway. It will only lead to heartache and suffering later on in their lives...but I digress.
The point is this: people whenever you moan and groan about all of your miniscule problems and act as if the world is crashing down remember, the world does not revolve around you. At the very moment you are bitching about how much you hate your life because you made bad lief choices the following things are happening to someone: a woman just found out she has breast cancer, a child just died of AIDS because we have yet to find a cure, a family just lost their child to a horrible form of cancer, and everywhere people are starving. If after you think about that you still want to moan about your boyfriends bad temper, then just please, shoot yourself because you are a self-centered little fuck who doesn't deserve the air in your lungs.


Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Need a vacay??

word verification: agbxi